1926OSFA FOUNDED: New group, led by Mary Austin, John Gaw Meem, Carlos Vierra, Gustave Baumann, Alice Corbin and William Penhallow Henderson among others, successfully fights City Council to save a parcel of land around the present-day location of St. John's College from being developed into an elitist, seasonal colony.
OSFA ensures that special Fiesta festivities, previously sequestered within the Palace of the Governors, be open to all the citizens of Santa Fe. Read our first official letter here. |
![]() "... to sacrifice as little as possible
of that unique charm, born of age, tradition and environment which are the priceless assets and heritage of Old Santa Fe ..." — excerpt from 1926 mission |
1945OSFA successfully fights proposed highway through the heart of downtown, thereby helping protect the Santuario de Guadalupe and other historic buildings.
1956 |
1948OSFA lobbies for and partially funds the city’s first Master Plan which by completed by Harland Bartholemew in 1950.
OSFA and National Park Service helps protect the Barrio de Analco from destruction by the State by ensuring it would be placed on the National Registry of Historic Places
1957OSFA members author Historic Styles Ordinance, which defines a sizable historic sections of the city in which both extant and proposed visible architecture has to conform to traditional guidelines.
1960Daughter organization, the Historic Santa Fe Foundation, founded and designated as a 501c3.
1970 |
1966OSFA saves 19th-century Padre Gallegos House from demolition.
OSFA stages major campaign against aggressive civic re-development under the Federal Urban Renewal Program. |
OSFA assists the inclusion of the historic irrigation system unique to Santa Fe, the Acequia Madre, as listed on the State and National Registry of Historic Places.
1972OSFA gets Historical Zone extended to the Museum Hill area.
1973OSFA aids the Historic Santa Fe Foundation in its purchase of Tully House.
1974OSFA forms the Santa Fe Federation of twenty-two neighborhood organizations to intervene in planning issues.
1980OSFA fights to preserve and protect the historic Barrio de Analco. The western reach of the Barrio is lost to urban renewal.
OSFA advocates for a city-wide bus service. |
1983OSFA initiates the extension of historic regulations to additional "districts" within the city.
OSFA is instrumental in obtaining General Plan recognition of neighborhood organizations. |
1984OSFA receives two permanent seats on the city’s seven-member Historical Styles Review Board– as this review body becomes independent of the Planning Commission.
OSFA hosts the first community forum on the Historic Railyard sector within the greater downtown. As the Eldorado Hotel plan on San Francisco Street is approved by the City Council; sole dissenting vote is cast by OSFA representative on the Historic Design Review Board, Richard Hubbell. OSFA celebrates 60th anniversary at La Fonda. Honors the co-creater of Zozobra, Gustave Baumann; fire-dancer Jacques Cartier, the voice of Zozobra, Harold Gans; and pyrotechnician, John Conron, also awarding leaders in historic preservation: the Paloheimos, Myrtle Steadman and Jack Watson. OSFA lobbies for plan to get water back in the downtown Santa Fe River. 2001OSFA joins community discussions on water and growth.
2003OSFA involved in update of the City Historic Design Review Ordinance.
OSFA mounts public forum with Charleston, S.C., Mayor Joseph Riley on need for Downtown Master Plan. 2005OSFA initiates Santa Fe’s first-ever Downtown Master Plan.
OSFA hosts forum on archaeology at the proposed civic center; evidence of an 800-year old prehistoric village near Sweeney Center. OSFA continues to support a living Santa Fe River. OSFA contests the city’s interpretation of the Ridgetop Ordinance. OSFA protects the Borrego House with a written agreement. OSFA promotes landmark status for St. Catherine’s Indian School, the New Mexico School for the Deaf. Click Here for Multiple Newsletters 2007OSFA helps to protect the historic Manderfield School property and the existing fabric of numerous districts. OSFA along with the Historic Santa Fe Foundation, Historic Design Review Board and the city’s Historic Preservation Division host celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Historic Ordinance.
OSFA presses for Division status for City's Historic Preservation Dept.; offers guidance for changes to Historic Code. OSFA asks Cultural Prop. Review Committee to put Manderfield School on historic register; expresses concern for the neglect of the St. Catherine's Indian School property. OSFA co-hosts celebration of the 50th anniversary of Historic Ordinance with "Posole on the Plaza" with "territorial" and "pueblo" themed cakes. Click Here for Newsletter 2008
OSFA raises 52 foot crane to protest height of proposed County Courthouse, works with State to improve impact of new State parking garage.
OSFA and Neighborhood Law Center file amicus curiae brief supporting neighborhood appeal of City approval of inappropriate development on Old Taos Highway. OSFA protests plan to replace Plaza benches donated by Kiwanis Club in 1960's as reflection of Santa Fe's Spanish heritage. Click Here for Multiple Newsletters 2011
OSFA opposed owner's request to City Historic Districts Review Board to demolish landmarked building on St. Kate's campus.
OSFA nominates St. Catherine's Indian School as one of "New Mexicos's Most Endangered Places". OSFA urges State Cultural Properties review Committee to designate St. Kate's campus as Historic Destrict. OSFA hosts public forum celebrating St. Catherine's Indian School and its Alumni. OSFA invited to serve on planning committee for new State Executive Office Building near Capitol. Click Here for Newsletter 2012
OSFA submits massing study for proposed State Office Building that preserves for historic casitas on site.
OSFA Member Pen La Farge pens article entitled "The Centenial of a City: Planning and Preservation in Santa Fe for newsletter. OSFA gives preservation award to Cornerstones Community Partnerships for work on San Miguel Mission Church. OSFA enters "Electronic Age" with a new website (www.oldsantafe.org) and Facebook page. OSFA opposes rezoning request for Plaza Chamisal to allow commercial uses, with the Council ultimately rejecting rezoning request 8-0. Click Here for Multiple Newsletters 2014
OSFA hosts expert panel on "Green and Renewable Energy in the Historic District".
OSFA sits on Cultural Coalition Roundtable for strategies for purchase of Masonic Temple listed for sale. OSFA testifies at multiple County Commission hearings urging denial of proposed La Bajada gravel mine. OSFA advocates city historic designation for three historic city bridges facing future demolition. OSFA works with Canyon Rd. Neighborhood on new Atalya School design and Manderfield School condominium renovation. OSFA commends Drury Hotel for collaborative process for adaptive reuse of old St. Michaels Hospital building. 2017
OSFA commends City on international award by National Geographic Society for "Sense of Place," presented at a ceremony in Berlin, Germany.
OSFA participates in design charrette for re-development of Garrett's Desert Inn property, advocating for, and supporting H-Board oversight. OSFA receives L. Bradford Prince Award, by Historical Society of NM, for its "outstanding service to the people of New Mexico". OSFA celebrates its 90 year anniversary as Santa Fe's oldest civic organizaton. OSFA testifies against Flying-J Truck Stop project at 1-25 entrance off Cerrillos Rd. leading to denial by County Commissions. OSFA submits letter to Mayor's task Force on monuments and Fiesta Entrada Event, advocating community dialogue. OSFA sponsors local historic film preservation project with State Film Archive. OSFA participates in design feedback process for new County Courthouse building on Grant St. Click Here for Newsletter 2019OSFA argues against proposed changes to the streetscape of the Santa Fe Plaza, protecting early architectural character inspired by John Gaw Meem– specifically on the site known as the original site of the early Spanish Colonial, La Castrense building.
OSFA supports the residents of the Plaza del Monte compound; arguing against piece-meal demolition of structures. OSFA Advocates for the "Hillside" neighborhood to counter irrisponsible developement practices an the escarpments above the Arroyo de las Mascaras. OSFA Presents a special screening of "This is Your Life" (1950's) featuring the Santa Fe family of Helene ("Ma") Ruthling, in support of our Film Preservation Program at the New Mexico History Museum's Photo Archives. OSFA Presents a special event for members featuring a Lecture by Dr. Enrique R. Lamidrid on the history of the evolution of the Barrio de Analco in Santa Fe. Click Here for Newsletter |
1992OSFA hosts forums and lobbies for maintaining "human" scale in downtown buildings and coherent streetscapes which display historic integrity.
1994OSFA supports City acquisition of the Railyard for development for the community.
1997OSFA lobbies for: professional staff for the Historic Design Review Board, public transportation, and appropriate right of way for the Westside Relief Route.
1999OSFA holds a Community Forum with national experts on the need and economics of a new community, conference and convention center.
2004OSFA sponsors Historic Preservation Week with the Historic Santa Fe Foundation and the City of Santa Fe. OSFA petitions City Council in support of the Historic Design Review Board decision to preserve the historic fabric of Plaza Chamisal. OSFA board members encourage City Council to purchase rather than lease water rights for the city. OSFA prevents "hotel" intrusions in city residential and historic districts. OSFA supports modification of the Historical Museum to better reflect Santa Fe’s historic standards. OSFA helps save portion of Archtect, John Gaw Meem’s Villagra Building.
Click Here for Newsletter 2006OSFA lobbies the mayor, City Council, staff and steering committee members to maintain historic zoning and streetscape ordinances in the Downtown Master Plan. OSFA joins South Capitol neighbors in supporting ordinance prohibiting intrusion of second-story addition on West Houghton Street.
OSFA supports denial of East Buena Vista Street lot-split appeal to the City Planning Commission. OSFA opposes the Old Taos Highway General Plan Amendment and Rezoning request that would change the plan from “very low density” to “residential high density" and would directly contravene the City’s stated goal and policy of preserving the character and integrity of its neighborhoods. OSFA requests that the City enforce the standard approval process for projects in the historic area, including the proposed Cathedral Project. OSFA promotes an alternative to the St. Francis overpass. OSFA promotes adoption of Historic Building Codes and Earthen Building Codes. OSFA hosts 80th Anniversary Celebration at La Fonda! Click Here for Newsletters 2009
OSFA works with State Legislature on ordinance ensuring collaborative process with municipalities on State building projects in city's historic district.
OSFA collaborates with downtown merchants for relocation of 7 foot electrical box on the Plaza. OSFA invited to join River Parkway advisory group to guide plans to re-design areas of the Santa Fe River. Click Here for Newsletter 2010
OSFA contests City attorney's opinion narrowing purview of Historic Design Review Board; asks Board to deny plans for flea market on Old Santa Fe Trail.
OSFA urges City Council to introduce ordinance for County and SFPS to follow for buildings proposed in City's historic districts. OSFA board members work with city subcommittees, drafting changes to the Historic, Escarpment and Land Use Ordinances. OSFA's Irene Von Horvath house is plaqued as "Historic Building" worthy of preservation by Historic Santa Fe Foundation. OSFA serves on Mayor's "Plaza Roundtable" to examine Santa Fe Plaza and its quality of life. OSFA joins state-organized committee to examine locations and styles for new state office building near Capitol. OSFA contests City Attorney's opinion narrowing purview of Historic Design Review Board. OSFA urges City Council to introduce ordinances for County and SFPS for building in City Historic Districts. OSFA works on City committees to draft changes to Historic, Escarpment and Land Use Ordinances. Click Here for Multiple Newsletters 2013
OSFA initiates "Archival Footage of Northern New Mexico" film preservation project to ensure visual record of Historic Landmarks and Traditions.
OSFA urges restoration of Palace Avenue's Francisca Hinojos House, recently gutted by fire. OSFA and Board Member Richard McCord pens article "Origins of the Historic Styles Ordinance" for OSFA's !El Boletin! OSFA successfully urges City Planning Commission to maintain residential zoning for adaptive reuse of Manderfield School. Soon to be added: Link to Newsletter 2015
OSFA supports local Masons to maintain ownership of Scottish Rite Temple, and encourages vigorous community use of building.
OSFA sponsors creation of a Historic Cultural Properties Inventory (HCPI) report detailing three historic bridges in Santa Fe. Click Here for Newsletter 2016
OSFA receives Mayors Award for Excellence in Preservation at 2016 Heritage Preservation Awards ceremony by Mayor Gonzales.
OSFA endorses proposed Pecos Trail Scenic Corridor Ordinance for consideration by City. OSFA participates on State Land Office task force exploring redevelopment of Garrett's Desert Inn property. OSFA successfully fends off demolition the historic Hinojos house on Palace Ave. which was virtually destroyed by fire and advocates for its preservation. Click Here for Newsletter 2018OSFA Film Preservation Project receives funding donation from an outside patron, and presents a program of historic film to the public in collaboration with the New Mexico History Museum.
OSFA advocates for oversight of the Historic Design Review Board on the proposed new "Vladem Art Museum" on state property in the Historic Transition District adjacent to the Railyard District on Guadalupe Street Click Here for Newsletter.
OSFA is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit. Contributions are tax-deductible.
EIN: 85-0195685 • IRS Determination Letter The Old Santa Fe Association preserves the priceless heritage, historical structures, traditions, cultural assets, and environment that distinguish the city and county of Santa Fe.