High Priority
Secondary Priority
Low Priority
Increase infill development across all districts
Lucero |
Change zoning to allow for more housing supply through density
Ensure strong preservation standards for downtown and historic districts
Lucero |
Strengthen design standards across town to preserve city’s unique architectural style
Loosen parking requirements (fewer parking lots) and encourage walkability
It is critical that as the city works to update the Land Use code, all the of five priorities that I selected must be factored into the decision-making process. As a city councilor, I will work to address these five priorities as we work to approve the new Land Use code. These five priorities will help us to develop much needed affordable and workforce housing, but they will also work to preserve our historic communities and our unique architectural style. As a sponsor of the legislation that adopted the city's Multimodal Transition Plan, I have already begun work to promote that the city works to develop communities which prioritize walking and cycling as a main mode of transportation. Lucero:
It’s clear we’re in an affordable housing crisis. The answer to the crisis isn’t sprawl, using more water and more energy resources. We have to wisely use the land we have to ensure we’re not just building units, but we’re thoughtfully creating homes that minimize the use of Santa Fe’s precious resources. At the same time, we have to build infrastructure in Santa Fe that reduces our reliance on cars and encourages walking and biking, both taking advantage of the natural beauty of our city and reducing our carbon footprint. |
Most Important
Second Most Important
Natural landscape and climate
Quality of shopping and restaurants
Cultural traditions and events
Historic downtown and its environment
The arts, including art markets, galleries, music and theater arts
When people think of Santa Fe, they envision our historic downtown, with its unique architecture, robust art offerings, cultural events, and exceptional dining. And that’s not just people visiting from out of town--our local residents enjoy our downtown, with wonderful experiences like the Santa Fe Bandstand, events at the Lensic, and walks or bike rides down the river trail along Alameda. It is the heart of our city, critical to our economy and beloved by local residents. Garcia:
The city needs to take pride in the rich history of our community and ensure that the appropriate protections and resources are in place to preserve the histories, cultures, and traditions of our past. This includes protecting our downtown area and Plaza. The downtown area and Plaza are treasured by our local community members, and visitors from across the globe. The economic activity created by the downtown and surrounding areas is critically important to producing important revenue for the city and all businesses in the area. It is my priority as a city councilor to ensure that we preserve the unique and special place we call downtown and the Plaza, not only for the present, but for future generations as well. |
Garcia: Very effective
Lucero: Moderately effective |
Most Important
Second Most Important
Third Most Important
Maintain neighborhood character and support local concerns about change
Communicate with neighborhoods in consideration of development that may be disruptive or character-altering
Prioritize well-designed affordable housing but not development writ large
Stimulate housing development across the city
Improve Early Neighborhood Notification process so neighborhoods and developers can mediate disputes in advance
Lucero |
Adopt new historic districts to honor heritage communities and longstanding neighborhoods
We should always approach water use with the perspective that water is a valuable and limited resource which must be protected and preserved. I will work to develop water use policy that will ensure that there is enough water supply to meet the demand of any proposed development. What has worked is educating the community and implementing a water conservation mentality. What has not worked is having a broken-down water treatment facility to meet the needs of our water users. For example, our current water treatment plant is not producing safe effluent to water locations such as our parks. Lucero:
Because of the concerted efforts Santa Fe residents have made to conserve water, we’re in an excellent place in our water supply. That said, we must ensure that any development that takes place is waterwise to keep ourselves in that position. Newer units are thankfully very water and energy efficient, and our green building codes must support that. This is also why we must work on infill housing rather than sprawl, which impacts our resources disproportionately. Any industrial or commercial development must be approved only with careful thought given to water use. Green building codes and intense conservation have worked well for Santa Fe; sprawling development has not. |
Phil Lucero
Michael Garcia
Height restrictions work and should be maintained in all areas
Allow increased building height
(see question 7b) |
Improve code to vary heights at maximum to prevent uninspired (overly boxy) design
All buildings reaching maximum height should be subject to more stringent design restrictions
Building up rather than out helps us conserve resources and reduces sprawl. That said, our natural beauty is an important part of what makes Santa Fe Santa Fe, and we have to preserve that. Careful thought should be given to exactly where we are increasing height without changing the character of the surrounding neighborhood or restricting views of natural resources. There are places where we can achieve this, but it can’t be a blanket policy across the city, and increases in height variance must depend on the neighborhood character and geography surrounding the building. |
Most important
Second most important
Third most important
Natural and built environments
Affordable housing
Good jobs
Garcia |
Good public schools
Strong cultural traditions
Young families are often in early stages of building resources, and they cannot come to or stay in Santa Fe if they can’t afford to live, work, and educate their children here. I wish I could select all of the above, because each of these plays a different role in attracting and keeping young families. While jobs and affordable housing can attract young families, we cannot retain them without good schools, strong cultural traditions, and beautiful natural and built environments. Garcia:
As a father of a young family, having options for quality employment is a priority. I want to ensure that I have the appropriate job opportunities to care and provide for my family. I see this not only as a requirement for the present, but also for the future. I want to ensure that should my children want to live in Santa Fe in the future, there be a job market that has many options for them. In addition, as a parent, ensuring that there is plenty of options for my child to obtain a high-quality education is very important. Lastly, there needs to be a robust stock of affordable and workforce housing options available. This will help to ensure that every young family that wants to live in Santa Fe, can find affordable housing options to keep them in Santa Fe. |
Michael Garcia
Phil Lucero
Enact 3% high-end excise tax on residential home sales above $1 million
Encourage and facilitate the building of more housing stock overall, in all districts
Develop a vacancy penalty for houses left empty for the majority of the year
Restrict investment-type short term rentals with a primary residence requirement
Fund the Affordable Housing Trust Fund with the City’s general fund
None of the above
As the city works to address the affordable and workforce housing crisis, one of the priorities needs to be developing many sustainable sources of funding for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. By having a robust and well-funded trust fund, this will allow for the trust fund to be used to develop much needed affordable housing unit supply. In addition, there needs to be strategies developed to create and ensure that there is sufficient workforce housing supply. It is my priority to develop a strategic plan to develop workforce housing in Santa Fe. Lucero:
Again, we cannot continue building sprawl across the city. Our current housing stock is inadequate for our city's need, but building cannot be in one area of the city; we must consider housing in all areas of the city to create robust communities with the infrastructure they need. The city is limited in its tools to apply fees and taxes to property, and the current affordable housing ballot measure is a step in the right direction, though we have to employ every thoughtful strategy available for affordable housing. We cannot fully fund the Affordable Housing Trust Fund through the general fund, as that takes away from funding needed for public safety, libraries, roads, and parks. |
Garcia: Critically effective and necessary
Lucero: Critically effective and necessary |
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EIN: 85-0195685 • IRS Determination Letter The Old Santa Fe Association preserves the priceless heritage, historical structures, traditions, cultural assets, and environment that distinguish the city and county of Santa Fe.