High Priority
Secondary Priority
Low Priority
Increase infill development across all districts
Change zoning to allow for more housing supply through density
Nava |
Ensure strong preservation standards for downtown and historic districts
Nava |
Strengthen design standards across town to preserve city’s unique architectural style
Loosen parking requirements (fewer parking lots) and encourage walkability
The update of the Land Development Code is an incredible opportunity to look towards the future and create a walkable, sustainable, affordable community for all our residents. Maintaining the unique character of Santa Fe is crucial and we must do this not only through the design and architecture of our neighborhoods and buildings, but also by ensuring our local community members can afford to stay in our city and continue our diverse cultures and traditions. Nava:
As a historical city, we need to keep the history alive and the historic buildings up and maintained. We also need to make sure we are utilizing open areas for housing and not businesses. |
Most Important
Second Most Important
Natural landscape and climate
Quality of shopping and restaurants
Cultural traditions and events
Historic downtown and its environment
The arts, including art markets, galleries, music and theater arts
It is an extremely important topic. We get visitors from all over the world to see the history of Santa Fe and the well-preserved buildings. We need to maintain that for future families and visitors of our amazing city. Cassutt:
The distinctive historic downtown is undoubtedly one of the primary draws for visitors to our city, one of the key drivers of our economy. It is also important that we ensure downtown is accessible and inviting for our local population, who not only contribute to the economy through both running businesses and visiting other establishments, but who also are crucial to creating a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere that will draw visitors and residents alike to the downtown. |
Cassutt: Moderately effective
Nava: Moderately effective |
Most Important
Second Most Important
Third Most Important
Maintain neighborhood character and support local concerns about change
Communicate with neighborhoods in consideration of development that may be disruptive or character-altering
Prioritize well-designed affordable housing but not development writ large
Nava |
Stimulate housing development across the city
Improve Early Neighborhood Notification process so neighborhoods and developers can mediate disputes in advance
Adopt new historic districts to honor heritage communities and longstanding neighborhoods
Santa Fe is a leader in water conservation. Since the City took over the utility in 1995, we've seen a 33 percent reduction in total water usage. At the same time the total population has increased by 25 percent, demonstrating a 45 percent reduction in per capita usage during that time period. Continuing with strong water conservation programs and requirements across all uses is essential for meeting our water needs now and into the future. In addition, the use of technology will be crucial in meeting future water demands, with the return flow pipeline playing an integral role. The functionality of the wastewater treatment plant is essential to this plan and for overall responsible water use. The City must invest immediately in either updating the wastewater treatment plant or replacing it. Nava:
I think we need to go back to the utilization of controlled water use and make that ordinance a priority during the warmer weather seasons. Encourage rebates and incentives for consumers to save water. We need to work with multiple entities to maintain water usage. |
Joel Nava
Jamie Cassutt
Height restrictions work and should be maintained in all areas
Allow increased building height
(see question 7b) |
Improve code to vary heights at maximum to prevent uninspired (overly boxy) design
All buildings reaching maximum height should be subject to more stringent design restrictions
Height restrictions and design standards should be tailored to specific areas of the city and each of these strategies may be employed differently in particular areas based on that adaptation. Opportunities should be identified of where it is appropriate to increase height, and balance the needs of increased density, while also continuing the celebration of our natural landscape. I am very open to exploring design standards that both reduce the felt impact of height, as well as add to the aesthetics of the surrounding area. Again, I believe this will vary based on the part of the city being evaluated. |
Most important
Second most important
Third most important
Natural and built environments
Affordable housing
Nava |
Good jobs
Good public schools
Strong cultural traditions
If you grew up in Santa Fe you know the beautiful city it is and how as a community we can be strong. If we can get back to that strong relationship we once had, the city would see more families having a positive attitude and willingness to stay in Santa Fe. |
Jamie Cassutt
Joel Nava
Enact 3% high-end excise tax on residential home sales above $1 million
Encourage and facilitate the building of more housing stock overall, in all districts
Develop a vacancy penalty for houses left empty for the majority of the year
Restrict investment-type short term rentals with a primary residence requirement
Fund the Affordable Housing Trust Fund with the City’s general fund
None of the above
Raise the taxes on short term rentals that are mainly used for vacationing.
All of these have a unique way to help with affordable housing. |
Cassutt: Moderately effective for Land Use staff only
Nava: Critically effective and necessary |
OSFA is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit. Contributions are tax-deductible.
EIN: 85-0195685 • IRS Determination Letter The Old Santa Fe Association preserves the priceless heritage, historical structures, traditions, cultural assets, and environment that distinguish the city and county of Santa Fe.